Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Circuit City sucks

I know nobody really cares about this but it’s my blog and I’m going to vent. Tonight I went to the Holyoke Circuit City (boy, I hope corporate picks up on those keywords: “Holyoke Circuit City”) for an MP3 player. Before I went there, I checked on the Internet and it was listed as “in stock” at the idiot-clogged Holyoke Circuit City.

But it wasn’t on the shelf. As the useless clerk walked away, I punched up the website and demonstrated that it was (allegedly) in stock. “Do you want it?” this moron asked. “No, dipshit, I just wanted to verify your inventory,” I thought. (Not a bad idea in hindsight). So five minutes later I get a “save ticket” with the promise that the item is in the store. Next, up to the inaptly named “Customer Service.”

Five minutes. Then, when a register opens, I get one of those “it’s time for my break” asswipes, who then walks over to chat with his buddy in digital cameras. WTF! Five more minutes as the two remaining retards behind the counter try to figure out how to fill out credit card forms. Finally, I get a cashier who makes sure she completes the only action that Circuit City really cares about: charging my credit card. Only then does she disappear into inventory to look for the mythical MP3 player.

Five minutes.
Ten minutes.

Here she comes: “there’s a discrepancy in inventory.” She checks the computer: “we have three units in Springfield.” Pause. “We can give you $10 off.” Pause. Me: “No. Give me my money back.”

I’ll never shop at Circuit City again. Screw you, ass-clowns.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Go Best Buy every time!

  2. Best Buy didn't have the player I wanted in stock. No matter: I'm only going to shop online for now on.

  3. I guess a lot of people don't care, because I have never, ever gotten decent service at Circuit City. Therefore, they have gotten none of my business for some time now.

  4. That's why I deal with Best Buy. They suck and they give you an anal probe every time you walk out the door, but at least they have what I want in stock. And, at least they aren't all over your ass like the tools at Circuit City.

  5. I gave Circle-Jerk City three chances.

    When I went in to ask them about the difference between DLP and LCD televisions, all I got from the "knowledgable" staff the TV commercials brag about was a drooling stare.

    When I went in to ask about their advertised appliance sale, the mini-fridge I wanted was no where to be found, even though when I called ahead, they assured me that the Highway 6 location had it in stock.

    And when I bought my new computer, just for fun I wewnt in and asked Team Genius about the difference between Athlon and Intel chips in performance terms. NO brain activity.

    Circuit City is consistent. Consistent liars and idiots.

  6. I'd give neither my business if I can help it.

    We don't have a Circus City in town, but Best Why did build a store. Their problem is they don't pay to get and retain the good, knowledgable help. Also, they age discrimate. No one with a few decades of experience.

    Went looking for some speakers for my T-Bird. Best Why just said, "You can't get something for that car. Why not trade it in for a car we can help you with?"

    "Bafungul" to them.

  7. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Viking, you got to get the store names right.

    Circuit Shitty
    Worst Buy
    Comp USSR

    and in hardware
    Home Repot
    and Blowes
