Friday, July 07, 2006

Connecticut Senate race

Well, I missed the Joe Lieberman/Ned Lamont debate, but here’s one take from Hotline Blog:

We’re not in the business of judging winners and losers; there are plenty of well-informed Nutmeg State voters who can make up their own minds. But putting aside the (curiously ironic) blogger charge that Sen. Joe Lieberman's strong performance in last night's debate was marred by his rudeness, many Connecticut and nat'l Dems likely got up this morning asking themselves if they really want to stake their hopes with Ned Lamont.
Despite the narrowing polls, I still insist that Joe Lieberman will win both the Democratic primary and Connecticut’s Senate seat. In the end, Connecticut voters and voters in general are pragmatic and will stick with a experienced, well-connected, and respected politician over a businessman neophyte, no matter how revered by the Nutroots.

1 comment:

  1. The "polls" had Kerry winning. Plus, I could name about 100 other "polls" that had the favored Democrat winning right up until they lost on election day. I know the "polls" have Lieberman ahead by "only" 15 points, but there is no way that other loser will come close to him.

    I loved when Lieberman told him to stop running against Bush. I respect Lieberman, although I do not always agree with him. If Democrats were smart enough to emulate him, they'd win a lot more elections.
