Sunday, March 05, 2006

Howard Dean – the gift that keeps on giving

How we ever tricked the Democrats into making him their chairman, I’ll never know. From the WashPost: “Democratic leaders question whether Dean’s right on the money”:

Democratic congressional leaders are particularly worried because the Republican National Committee holds a huge financial advantage over the DNC. One congressional Democrat complained that Dean has -- at an alarming rate -- burned through the money the DNC raised, and that Republicans may be able to swamp Democrats in close races with an infusion of RNC money.

In its most recent filing with the Federal Election Commission, the DNC reported raising $50.1 million so far in the 2005-2006 cycle and had $5.8 million cash on hand at the end of last year. The RNC had raised $103 million and had $34 million cash on hand.
William Kristol was on Fox News Sunday this morning and revealed that he thinks the GOP could lose the House of Representatives in November if current polling trends continue. Which they won’t…and he should know better. First of all, eight months is an eternity in politics. The Dubai port controversy will have been long resolved by then. Second, congressional elections largely hinge on pocketbook issues and the economy is still in strong shape. Third, the Democrats could seize the advantage if they “nationalize” the midterm elections like Newt Gingrich did in 1994, but they’re incapable of forming a unified national message. And fourth thru tenth, the GOP has a substantial money advantage so that Republicans can shape the debate in November. The way thing look right now, the Democrats will pick up a handful of seats, well below historical trends, but they won't control the gavel in 2006.


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I have not listened to Kristol since he started screaming about the terrible campaign just after the bad exit polling after the 2004 elections. He has not changed.

    I recall something to the effect that you know who your friends are when bad times hit. Kristol is a good times friend.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Howard Dean is doing exactly what he did when he was the Democrat front-runner for the 2004 race -- he took a mountain of cash and blew it to h3ll with nothing to show for it. The RNC apparently also has a smaller, leaner organization than the Dems do, with less overhead.
