Saturday, March 04, 2006

Can we call this a terrorist attack?

A former student at the University of North Carolina rented an SUV and plowed it through a popular campus gathering spot. Six kids were injured (none seriously) and the graduate with degrees in psychology and philosophy surrendered to police. Here’s the rub:

The FBI joined the case because Taheri-azar, a native of Iran, "allegedly made statements that he acted to avenge the American treatment of Muslims," said agent Richard Kolko, an FBI spokesman in Washington. "The ongoing investigation will work to confirm this."
Full name: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar. Although we dare not profile. Yes, isn't it awful how we allow Muslims into the country, educate them at our universities, and offer them gainful employment? When will the repression end? Much more at Memeorandum.

Extra – From Lorie on Polipundit: “What a genius. He is upset about the way Muslims are treated so he plows down college students at one of the most liberal universities in the South.”

More – Confederate Yankee: “Jeep Jihad


  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    how about a hate crime check with a lib to see if thats ok

  2. Of course those same liberals will rin to his aid because they buy that anti-American, "I'm a poor, mistreated, oppressed Muslim" crap hook, line, and sinker every time.
