Saturday, February 04, 2006

If loving global warming is wrong, I don’t wanna be right – It hit 46 degrees here in Western Massachusetts today and, instead of huddling under blankets, the family went out on a geocache today. Plus, my propane bill has been about half of what it normally is in the winter. Love it.


  1. wow..that's so awesome that you did a geocache! I've been caching for a year now, and have hit about 60 caches, plus hidden 3 myself.. I was just about to write up an article on my blog about caching.. so how was it?

  2. It was good! A nice walk through the woods and the cache theme was "key chains". We took 2 and left 2.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Fantastic news about the warm weather! We're happy for you! :-D

  4. Anonymous1:01 AM

    It's been in the 80s pretty much off and on for the past 3 weeks. I have not used my heater once all winter.
