Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The danger of the “weak horse” image

Victor Davis Hanson has an article on Real Clear Politics today titled “What will Europe really do?” It’s an extended speculation on the trajectory of history; interesting that Hanson ties in the pliability of the European culture with the danger of the radical Islam:

If the most liberal and tolerant states in Europe such as Holland and Denmark have the most problems with Islamic radicals, then what does that say about the continent as a whole? Why were not the calculating jihadists singling out a more unapologetic Catholic Poland that has larger contingents in Iraq and is far prouder of its Christian roots?

Do the Europeans sense that the more open, free-wheeling and non-judgmental the culture, the more it is hated by the jihadists? If Europe as a whole is more pro-Palestinian than the United States, disapproved of Iraq, and yet is still hated as much, is magnanimity at last exposed as appeasement—earning only contempt from an emboldened enemy?
Once again, this is the danger of Al Gore’s big paycheck speech in Saudi Arabia. The Wahabbis don’t wring their hands worrying about appearances: they’re convinced that Allah will lead them to Dar al-Islam. Thus, to the radicals, every accommodation is an opportunity for exploitation, a concession from a weakened foe.

Extra – Like I said, the Muslims never apologize. They’re always on the offensive: “The publication of cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Mohamed has had the effect of the September 11 attacks on the Islamic world, argued Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Conference.” Man, these people are nuts.

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