Saturday, December 10, 2005

Democratic implosion

Victor Davis Hanson laces into my senator and the Democrats in general on his Private Papers web site:

Not long ago, John Kerry was on a Sunday talk show. Without much of a warm-up, he was soon alleging that Americans were terrorizing Iraqis in their homes. Apparently such unproven criticism was meant as a critique of U.S. policy by a former (and future) candidate for president — but it unfortunately came just days before a critical election that may at last smooth the way for democracy in Iraq. One can imagine Sunni rejectionists hoping to derail the elections by proclaiming that even a former American presidential candidate admits that the infidels are “terrorizing our women and children.”

Like Dean, Kerry appears insensitive about the irony: He just lost an election in part because too many Americans recalled his Vietnam-era record of trying to score cheap political points by trashing brave American troops in the field, thanks to his own constant evocation of Vietnam on the campaign trail.
I was a little shocked when Kerry accused American soldiers of “terrorizing Iraqi kids and children” – golly, I hope he runs for President again.

1 comment:

  1. Kerry Haters stands ready to go back into action!
