Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Democrats’ philosophy in a nutshell

I was listening to C-Span radio on my drive home (yes, I’m a political junkie) and I caught part of Nancy Pelosi’s weekly press briefing (Real Player required). She whined for five minutes about the energy bill to be debated in the House tomorrow and how the Democrats have a chimerical dream to make America independent on foreign oil in ten years, apparently without increasing domestic production. The very first question in the press conference illuminates the chronic lack of ideas or initiative among the Democrats:

Press question: “Are there any specific amendments to the energy bill that Democrats will be making on the energy bill, to make it better, things to be addressed?”

[snip “the Republicans hand out breaks to oil companies” blather]

Pelosi: “I don’t have any specific amendments.”
There you have it: they have nothing. Nothing. They’re so incensed by the direction the GOP is taking the country, they’re proposing…nothing. I’d love to see the details of that “declaration of energy independence” bozos. Love it. Send it over. I know drilling in ANWR is unpopular but, you know, it's "reality-based." Let's see the nuts and bolts (or is it "fruits and nuts"?) of your proposal.

Follow-up - Speaking of clowns, here’s Howard Dean on “Hardball”: Well, certainly the president can claim executive privilege. But in the this case, I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can't play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it's called.” Um, it’s not called that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Howard DOES realize 'Bubba' is no longer in the White House, doesn't he?
