Sunday, July 10, 2005

We be chillin’ – Fred Barnes believes that a filibuster of President Bush’s judicial nominee would be all-but-impossible but that even if it came off, the “Gang of 14” Republicans would split off and invoke the “Constitutional option.” (Hat tip: Polipundit)


  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Yes, yes, that's exactly what the Republicans "indicated" they'd do last time, too.

    Dream on. Unless Robert Ludlum is stuck for a book title, you will NEVER see The Constitutional Option.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Fred Barnes is a jackass and the Gang of 14 are a bunch of nutless bureaucrats. You suck and so does your to your ga y friend PoliPundit. Get a life.

    U SUCK

  3. Anonymous8:47 AM

    "The Constitutional Option"? Do you mean "Advise and Consent" under the Constitutionally allowed rules of the Senate? Please expand.

  4. Eric, good to see you have so many friends! Jeez...of course, Barnes is right on the money...I'll be linking later...have a good one.

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