Monday, July 04, 2005

Drunk Ted launches a pre-emptive judicial filibuster

Dennis Prager: “Why Democrats will smear any conservative Court nominee
Michael Barone: “This means that Democrats will filibuster any Bush nominee, while the left groups attempt to tar them with any charge they can dream up.”
Matt Hoy: “On a slightly more serious note, I fully expect whomever is nominated to be filibustered. The Washington Post has already revealed that no one Bush might nominate would be acceptable.”

And now this just in: “Kennedy Slams Unnamed Supreme Court Nominee
(2005-07-02) -- Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-MA, today criticized President George Bush's as-yet-unnamed replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor as a "brutal, Bible-thumping, right-wing ideologue who hates minorities, women and cocker spaniels."

"He or she is clearly outside the mainstream of American values," said Sen. Kennedy. "President Bush has again ignored the Senate's 'advice and consent' role, forcing Democrats to filibuster this outrageous nominee."
Is it real or is it satire? You make the call.

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