Thursday, June 02, 2005

More advice on Social Security - Former Democratic Congressman Martin Frost, writing for evil Fox News, says that the “President’s stubbornness delays Social Security solution.” He suggests the Bush forget about personal accounts, raise the retirement age, raise the payroll tax wage cap, and declare victory. The problem is that there is no successful solution without cutting back over-promised benefits or at least indexing them to the benefit level that exists today.


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Take the Frost plan and add on a change in benefit indexing for folks making, say, 60 grand a year or more and you've got a plan that would probably pass. A future conservative president and a strong GOP Congress may be able to bring back the private accts idea, but not Bush. If Rudy wins by 10 pts in '08 and brings 60 Republicans into the Senate, he might, just maybe, be able to add on private accts in the first few months of his presidency. That's how hard this thing is going to be.

  2. Anonymous1:15 AM

    If Rudy Guiliani wins the Presidency by 10 points and brings 60 Republican Senators along with him, Social Security will no longer be an issue. Because everyone will also be issued a personal magic fairy who will transform their feces into golden coins.
