Saturday, May 14, 2005

Rock the boat

Here’s John Hawkins: “Just the record, I like John Bolton, I think he's EXACTLY the type of guy we need to send to the UN, and I do expect him to be confirmed by the Senate. The UN is a corrupt, bloated, moral cesspool/debating society and we need someone who's going to push for change, not a "go along to get along" type of UN rep. It's time to take off the kid gloves with UN and Bolton is just the guy to do it.”

I strongly agree (big surprise, I know). Fifty years of glad-handing and tea luncheons has brought us Oil-for-Food, sexual abuse in Africa, inaction in Darfur, and the high farce of Zimbabwe on the Human Rights commission. Let’s start banging some shoes on the table.

[Banging his shoe on the table] “Order, order! Do you kids wanna be like the
real U.N., or do you just wanna squabble and waste time
?” – Principal Skinner

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    The ideal theatrical touch for Ambassador Bolton's first speech to the General Assembly would be to emulate the example of the late, great slimeball Yasir Arafat: carry a pistol.
