Saturday, May 28, 2005

Quiet here...low traffic and not a lot of blogs updating elsewhere. I guess everybody's taking it easy this weekend.


  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Definitely. In a couple of hours, I'm just going to say "Screw it," and do what normal people do: getting the hell off the internet for a day or two. Might as well take it easy and get some sun.

  2. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Viking Pundit, AJStrata here. There is some stunning news out on the stem cell front. I found the initial news on Newsmax (they deserve the credit for getting this out). Since the news would appear to make the need for embryonic stem cell research moot, the MSM appears to be ignoring this news. Check out the links I have on this and let's get the word out!

    Happy Holidays
