Friday, May 27, 2005

Let’s turn that frown upside down!

OK, enough of that. I’m home from work and I’m gonna mow the grass now that it’s finally stopped raining. Then I’m going to have some Sam Adams Cherry Wheat and watch a sporting event of some kind. Maybe poker.

In the meantime, here’s the always fantastic P.J. O’Rourke (I have all his books, even “Bad Haircut”) in a tax we can all support – “Soak the Celebrities

America's media and entertainment industry has a gross (as it were) revenue of $316.8 billion a year. If we subtract the income derived from worthy journalism and the publishing of serious books, that leaves $316.8 billion. Surely this money can be put to a more socially useful purpose than reportage on the going forth and multiplying of Britney Spears.
P.J. suggests a celebrity tax of 100% indexed up. Heh-heh.

1 comment:

  1. Hey a conservative in WMASS!! Where were you when I was out there fighting the restaurant smoking ban?!? OK. you were probably in high school, it was 14 years ago.

    Glad to join you on the C of C -- from another CR, south of boston
