Monday, May 02, 2005

Hey, even I criticized Bush’s prescription drug benefit

Paul Krugman has just written his 500th article and Lying in Ponds took notice:

I doubted that it was possible, but Paul Krugman, with yesterday’s well-timed perfectly partisan effort, has now written 500 New York Times columns, and not a single one of them qualifies as a “crossover column” — one which consists mostly of criticism of one’s own party, or praise of the other.
My beef with Krugman isn’t so much that he’s a partisan writer but that he’s so un-analytical in his arguments. For an alleged economist, I’ve never seen a writer so allergic to numbers and statistics (unlike the excellent Robert Samuelson). Instead, Krugman lays out semi-coherent screeds that are easily exposed with a Google search. (See, for example, Matt Hoy’s latest and just about any post on Poor and Stupid).


  1. I suspect that the reason is that the numbers don't prove his case. You know the old saw about how lawyers try a case? When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts; when you have the law on your side argue the law; when you have neither, holler! Krugman's hollering.

  2. Ha-ha! Why yes I have heard that phraseology before.

