Thursday, May 26, 2005

Democrats block Bolton’s nomination to useless debating society

As someone who believes this country is about to go into a tailspin because of the crush of entitlement spending, I cannot believe the Senate is still debating whether or not to elevate John Bolton to that feckless collection of do-nothing empty-suit polyglots known as the United Nations. What next? The ambassador to Luxembourg? The undersecretary of state for South American tariff policy? It’s just the United Nations! Enough already, just vote.


  1. But, but, what about George Voinovitch's grand-children!

  2. If this had been so damn important to Voinivich, the crybaby would have attended the original Bolton hearings.

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "It's just the United Nations" pretty well defines the prevailing attitude that's gotten us 1,650 dead and almost 12,000 wounded. Instead of, say, 1,450 dead and 10,200 wounded. Shrewd!

  4. And how many people have died as a result of the UN's inaction and/or complicity? But by all means, let's not rock the boat of this esteemed institution.
