Sunday, May 01, 2005

Balance that budget!

On “This Week” House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) claimed that the answer to Social Security solvency is to balance the federal budget and stop deficit spending. Red State has some suggestions:

Her "solution" to the Social Security non-problem would be to stop deficit spending and thus pay back the Social Security Trust Fund. She is calling, then, for a very large tax increase with no easily visible payback for those whose money she is taking. We could always start by eliminating the $14- million for construction of the Transbay Terminal in downtown San Francisco, the $11-million the seismic retrofit of the Golden Gate Bridge plus $10 million per year for its preservation, the $10 million to replace the South Access to the Golden Gate Bridge-Doyle Drive, the $8-million for the San Francisco Street Improvements Program, the $7-million for improvements to the Van Ness Corridor, the $6-million for trails and bikeways for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and the Presidio, the $6-million for construction of the San Francisco Muni Islais Creek Maintenance Facility, the $4-million for the Illinois Street Intermodal Bridge and Amador Street Connection and Improvements project, the $3-million for San Francisco Muni's NextBus program, the $2-million for San Francisco's City CarShare program, and the $1-million for the Ferry Terminal at Oyster Point in South San Francisco.
If we could go back in time, we could save $4 billion $14.6 billion on the Big Dig.

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