Saturday, April 09, 2005

Engineers = analytical = conservative (small “c”)

I’m not a big fan of Vodkapundit who has never thrown me a link, not even a passing glance (even though I have him on my blogroll). And now to find he’s a fellow engineer, well. But I very much agree with his opinion about the political persuasion of engineers:

In over ten years of professional work, I think I've encountered maybe four working engineers who would admit to voting for a Democrat. There are a few who lean libertarian, but they're also in a considerable minority. The overwhelming number of engineers whom I've encountered (at least those who voluntarily express political opinions; I don't go around asking) are conservatives who vote for Republicans.
That’s been my impression also. In fact, in my senior class at Rutgers there was one self-declared liberal that I ridiculed relentlessly. (Oh, it was all in good fun.) Everybody else in my engineering class was neutral to conservative, although I’m pretty sure I represented the right-wing extreme.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Actually, it's Will Collier who is the engineer. VodkaPundit himself is just a gigolo who got lucky.
