Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Amazing Race 7 starts tonight

No posting tonight since I’ll be watching the kickoff of the latest Race. (Lorie, set your VCR!) Since they were fairly popular, I’ll be posting updates again for this season. The teams are a mixed bag, much more diverse than the monopoly of “pretty couples” that dominated the last Race. Unfortunately, one of the couples is Rob and Amber from multiple Survivor seasons. Why? They need more exposure? They need another million dollars? This publicity gimmick was a stupid idea that essentially robbed another worthy Race team (thousands and thousands apply) of a Race slot.

Well, I’ll keep an open mind but frankly I’m hoping Rob & Amber beat a quick departure. The new Race starts at 9pm EST tonight – catch it from the beginning and you’ll be hooked.


Fausta said...

They announced that they're looking for families of 4 for the next one.
Any takers?

Pat said...

I think using Rob and Ambuh is a ratings ploy. I'd be surprised if they get very far; neither of them strikes me as terribly bright.