Saturday, July 03, 2004

Moving in the right direction

This seems like a good sign: "Rebel Assaults on U.S. Troops Hit Record Lows During Handover"

The number of guerrilla attacks on U.S. troops hit their lowest levels in more than two months during the period when the U.S.-led occupation authority handed power to an Iraqi interim government, the U.S. military said on Saturday.

Daily attacks on U.S. troops dropped to between 20 to 25 per day between June 28 and 30, defying intelligence reports that predicted a major rebel offensive timed to coincide with the announced June 30 handover date.

Just the opposite happened. In a surprise move aimed at sidestepping the expected attacks, U.S. occupation chief L. Paul Bremer handed power to an Iraqi government on June 28 - two days early. Instead of a rebel offensive, Iraq won a few days of rare calm.
Looks like the jump-start handoff fustigated the terrorists.

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