Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Big business declares war on John-squared

The Democrats want Americans to have jobs. Problem is their strategy is to vilify the businesses that create jobs. From USA Today:

The business community, long a Republican supporter, is leaning more toward defeating John Kerry after his choice of John Edwards as running mate.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue says the group, for the first time, might break with tradition and endorse a candidate: President Bush. A decision is not close. The group has 3 million members.
Edwards, a onetime presidential candidate, voted the Chamber's way 40% of the time since 1999, but only 15% last year. Kerry sided with the Chamber 35% of the time since 1997, but did not vote the Chamber's way on any of 23 votes in 2003
Professor Bainbridge called this earlier today.

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