Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kerry Vote Watch

Usually this is where I give my usual update as to the absence of my Senator over the past week. Except this time is different: Kerry showed up for work! For a couple of hours…then it was back onto the campaign trail.

The Senate held a remarkable 22 floor votes this past week. Kerry flew into Washington for the day to vote on an amendment to the defense appropriations bill but then, depending on who you listen to, either the vote was intentionally delayed to frustrate Kerry, or the Senate refused to hurry up for the fly-by-vote Senator. Considering the final vote on the Daschle amendment wasn’t taken until 10:43 p.m. the following day, well, you can draw your own conclusions.

Bottom line: with the Senate in session since January, Kerry is now one working day short of what most of us drones consider a full work-week.

Days worked this session: 4
Missed vote percentage: 135/152 = 89%

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