Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Kerry Flip-Flop Du Jour

Tim Blair asks: “Doesn’t this guy have any advisors?” Powerline notes: “Kerry is rapidly moving beyond our ability to parody him.” Here’s what they’re talking about:

Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry said Monday the White House should not have scrapped steep tariffs on foreign-made steel last year -- but would not put them back in place if he is elected.

Kerry, speaking to about 17 reporters from political battleground states on both sides of the matter, said he supported the tariffs because "under the circumstances, it was an important grabbing-air moment."

"I wouldn't re-impose them, but I would have let them play out the way they were promised," he said. "Once you put them in place, people have expectations. ... And if you, all of a sudden, upset that, you're really wreaking havoc in the market."


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