Thursday, April 01, 2004

James Lileks differentiates slime and facts

Short answer: when a Republican faults a Democrat, it’s “slime” but when a Democrat criticizes a Republican, it’s “facts.”

In any case: Yes, we lost jobs after the '90s bubble popped. It's called "a recession." Then there was that whole war thing, which further depressed enthusiasms. You might remember that. It was in all the papers. But the Labor Department says that 2.2 million jobs were lost, not 3 million, as Kerry said in his response to Cheney. One might ask if he heard about these 800,000 workers from the foreign leaders who endorsed him.

Sorry! That was below the belt. Remember, everything's fair game this time. Except Kerry's record and public utterances. And if Kerry takes to a St. Louis pulpit, quotes Scripture and suggests Bush is a lousy Christian, well, that's hardly slime. Facts are facts.

God was unavailable for comment at press time.

Even so, He probably would have said something in Aramaic.

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