Thursday, April 15, 2004

Clinton blackmail plot?

The NY Post's Page Six has this tidbit:

IS Bill Clinton using his long-awaited autobiography to help Hillary win the vice presidential spot on Sen. John Kerry's ticket? "If Kerry names her his running mate, the book's release will suddenly be delayed until after the election," said one political expert. Dick Morris - whose own book, "Rewriting History" (a play on Hillary's "Living History"), is due out May 4 - told PAGE SIX: "I think that is very possible. I think that it is also a bit of a threat . . . that if [Kerry] does not choose Hillary, Bill will dominate the environment during the campaign and distract attention from the ticket. If Bill, who has trouble finishing anything and procrastinates constantly, actually finishes the book, there is a reason. Likely she was nagging him to do it so he could raise the pressure for her."

Stay tuned.

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