Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Bloggers think the Supreme Court has gone loopy

And there’s some fair criticism of Bush also for signing a campaign finance reform bill while under the assumption that the USSC would just overturn it anyway. That would have been a good time for a veto. (David Wissing: “Free Speech Limited” and Matthew Hoy: “This is a sad day for democracy in our country.” Power Line: “an abomination”)

No word yet from law professor and bloggus emeritus Glenn Reynolds, but Eugene Volokh (in a post titled “Newspapers are corporations, too") cites a passage from Clarence Thomas’ dissent where he warns: “The chilling endpoint of the Court’s reasoning is not difficult to foresee: outright regulation of the press.”

This terrible decision, this Pandora’s box, cannot be understated. Paging Nat Hentoff!

Final note from John Cole: “I am going to try to make sure that I am one of the first people arrested next year for violating this law.”

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