Thursday, November 13, 2003

Tapped raps Blogs For Bush – poorly

Somebody with the lavishly rococo name of “Garance Franke-Ruta” (man? woman?) took a shot at the relatively new Blogs for Bush and a post by B4B’s Matt Margolis.

A couple of problems:

1.) The link on Tapped for the Matt Margolis post doesn’t go to the B4B comment, but to Matt Margolis’ biography page – which isn’t even on the B4B domain.

2.) The post referred to on Tapped wasn’t written by Matt Margolis; it was written by Mark Noonan.

3.) Finally, Franke-Ruta only lists the very last part of the post to make Mr. Noonan’s comment appear disjointed and incoherent when presented out of context (even cutting off a sentence with ellipsis for your censoring needs). Here’s the whole post – judge for yourself.

As another selective writer once noted: is that the best you can do, Tapped?

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