Tuesday, November 11, 2003

The new math: Gephardt with an “up” arrow

Steven the Poliblogger hasn’t updated his Toast-O-Meter yet, but I’m going to have to disagree with his initial assessment that Gephardt “is in the toaster, but the heat hasn’t been turned on yet.” I think Kerry’s long, hard slide helps Gephardt. Why? With Kerry gone, the only national figure with a chance to knock off Howard Dean is the former House leader. Democrats, who above all want somebody who can win, may take a second look at Gephardt who has the virtue of being from a semi-Southern state (Missouri). He can still pull in strong union support (despite losing those endorsements) and is known to have a good grasp on issues (compared to Dean in his train wreck “Meet the Press” appearance). If Dean makes another gaffe along the lines of “Pennsylvania and Ohio have awful football teams” then keep an eye on Dick Gephardt.

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