Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Wednesdays are for W

Yes, yes, it’s “W”ictory Wednesday again, time to remind readers to visit the Bush/Cheney re-election web page, and/or volunteer and/or donate.

Every week there’s another Democratic candidate debate, dutifully covered by the press, that provides an open forum for criticizing President Bush. Rest assured, the candidates don’t have any ideas or answers of their own. (Whatever Bush did, they wouldn’t do that, unless they voted for it, then they would do it, but differently – got that?) But the drumbeat continues on and on, unchallenged, while our President focuses on his job. And that’s why we need to support President Bush now: so that when it’s his turn to state his case (our case), it will be clear and strong.

Contact PoliPundit if you’d like to join our growing “W”ictory blogroll:

Backcountry Conservative
Boots and Sabers
Bowling for Howard Dean (unofficial blog)
Bush-Cheney 2004 (unofficial blog)
The Hedgehog Report
Jeremy Kissel
Left Coast Conservative
Mark Kilmer
Matt Margolis
A Rice Grad
Ryne McClaren
Southern Conservatives
Stephen Blythe
Viking Pundit
The Wise Man Says

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