Sunday, October 12, 2003

Save Terry McAuliffe!

A couple days ago I said: “And that’s why I always say that DNC chair Terry McAuliffe is the greatest friend of the GOP.” Yesterday, Dave at the Hedgehog Report notes: “Terry McAuliffe might have been the best thing to ever happened to the Republican Party” as he copies almost the whole article from the American Prowler (American Prospect online). But he cut off one of the best paragraphs near the bottom:

McAuliffe has defended his brand of optimistic spin as a necessity in times when the party is down in the dumps with no clear successes in sight. That said, his recent performances aren't helping in the fundraising front. The Democrats trail Republicans badly in almost all categories of fundraising. Things are so bad, the national party isn't in a position to help its state parties.

If I recall, the whole reason McAuliffe rose to his current position is that he was sold as a Clintonite who had the magic touch raising money. Now it’s becoming clear that the DNC can’t raise cash and can’t win elections. Which is why I say: Save Terry McAuliffe!

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