Thursday, October 02, 2003

A revolution in progress

Jeff Jacoby has a must-read column today in the Boston Globe titled: “Freeing Mideast is worth the cost

"Anyone who knew Iraq before liberation and who visits the country now is immediately struck by the impact that the feeling of freedom has had on almost everyone," writes journalist Amir Taheri, who has been covering Arab and Muslim affairs for more than 30 years. "A society where people hardly spoke to one another, let alone to strangers, is bustling with talk, debates, disputes, and demonstrations for every cause under the sun. Thousands of banned books are on sale in the streets, and over 200 newspapers and magazines have started publication. People are no longer afraid to turn on their radios and TVs as loud as they wish; there is no Mukhabarat" Saddam's secret police -- "to eavesdrop."

Check it out.

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