Wednesday, October 01, 2003

All Plame all the time

The Washington Post has a snap poll on the Plame affair and a solid majority say it's a serious matter (including 72% of Republicans). The lefty bloggers are in a frenzy over the poll (see!?! see!?!) but let's not kid ourselves. The only reason the Schumers and Calpundits care about the whole scandal is because they want to see the end of the Bush presidency. If they read on into the WashPost article, they're going to be sorely disappointed:

Still, a plurality of respondents -- 47 percent -- said it appeared the White House was cooperating with the investigation, as Bush has ordered.

Most respondents did not hold Bush personally responsible for the matter. Only 34 percent thought it likely that he knew in advance about the leaks.

Bush's overall support slipped to 54 percent from 58 percent in mid-September; the current level of approval is the lowest of his presidency, but is still respectable by historical measures.

Two weeks from now, the only thing Americans will be talking about is the Cubs-Red Sox series.

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