Friday, April 18, 2003

Blair v. Bart

From the Economist Online:

FOR Britons waiting for some gesture in recognition of the risks that Tony Blair has taken for the transatlantic alliance, satisfaction has come at last. Mr Blair is to be admitted to the grandest of American halls of fame. He has been given a bit part in “The Simpsons”.

Whatever makes you happy, Tony! Later in the article, there's this smirk-worthy graf:

The trouble is that, in these extreme times, reality becomes hard to satirise. The Simpsons' main contribution to the war effort was the line “cheese-eating surrender-monkeys”. It was intended as a caricature of the American right's attitude to the French, but has been taken up gleefully by Francophobes and used to taunt cheese-eating surrender-monkeys everywhere for their lily-livered pacifism.


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