Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Once again showing that Democrats are incapable of temperate debate, Tom Daschle and Nancy Pelosi delivered a shrill criticism of President Bush yesterday in the lead-up to his State of the Union Address. It would appear the Dems are trying to introduce a new catchphrase by assailing Bush’s so-called “credibility gap” with regard to his administration policies. Normally, I would think that the national party that propped up a president impeached for perjury would be a little more circumspect with accusations of truthfulness, but this is par for the course. Here’s Senator Daschle, once again “disappointed” about something-or-other:

"At a time when we have only just begun to fight the war on terror," [Daschle] added, "the American people deserve to hear why we should put hundreds of thousands of American troops at risk, spend perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars, risk our alliances and inflame our adversaries to attack Iraq."

Can the Democrats really be this dumb? I used to think Bush was pulling a rope-a-dope on them, but now I think the Dems are just preternaturally self-destructive. Lemmings into the sea. Of course, no sooner had the TV lights dimmed on Daschle, the Washington Post and the Washington Times both reported on convincing evidence of WMD in Iraq and ties to Al-Qaeda. Once the evidence is out there and everyone can grasp the threat posed by Saddam Hussein, what will the Democrats complain about next? The surveillance pictures didn’t use Kodak paper?

I understand the concept of a “loyal opposition” but the overwrought tone of the Democrats is petty at best and unpatriotic at worst. Unpatriotic, in the sense that their inchoate, thrashing rhetoric can only embolden nutters like Hussein and Kim Jong Il. If there’s a reasonable and logical case against war (and there is) then make it. But to make comments like those above, which all but suggest that the Commander-in-Chief would send soldiers to fight for no discernable reason goes beyond the pale.

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